Wednesday, December 16, 2009


City of Reno vs Daniels (Obstruction of Justice/Resisting Case # 2)


by Mark S. "Bear" DanielsPublisher/EditorSilver State News Service, what shall I write for you (?), having been attacked by Reno Police this week, beaten, arrested, falsely charged with obstruction/resistance, when in fact, all of it was self-defense of my home, family and person.

The jail is the one thing I want to remember and take out of all of this. The light pea green walls, the pencil writings on them. “Honor, Strength.” “The Lord Loves You.” Tallies for days spent in the closed, small, but not cramped cells. A nude figure drawn above the toilet. A draftsman’s pattern of architectural columns one atop the other, then blending into themselves. The holes filled with a plastic-putty to cover what was once mounted there, now gone. The slit window on the door. No doorknob or handle for the inside, as you are locked in from the outside. The Butcher Block bed with its one inch foam pad. No pillows. The musty smell of worn sheets and blankets. The stainless steel commode and sink. The polished metal mirror and its distorted effect that makes you look thinner. The passing of the guard doing his security check on all the doors and their locks. The one phone that was difficult to use and figure out without the help of another prisoner, a 65-70 year old man loudly yelling instructions to you through his door.

Telling you “Don’t use that buzzer in your cell ~ that’s for Emergencies don’t need those fucking cops for nothing!”

The painted numbers on the wall. The clean, but empty appearance of painted concrete and steel structures. The excessive heat in one cell, the chilling cold in another. The maximized security of one cell; the minimal security of another. The prisoners dressed in red, just like you, making their rounds on duties assigned by the guards that give them a small sense of freedom in the Confinement Facility. The pain in my right ankle that the Officer stood on in my home to allow Washoe County Social Worker Jena Drew to waltz over me, after I had ordered her out of my home for lack of search warrant, court order or any other paperwork that might indicate authority to come in, welcome or not. How the ankle would work painless as I strode. How I would have to limp at other times. How it would sting when I would sit and do nothing, no cane with which to exercise it and all my weight upon it, as it suffered the effects of Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD), which came on like gang-busters on August 1, 2009, and has rapidly deteriorated ever since, placing me on a cane by November 5, 2009, some eight days after trial for a Misdemeanor Trespass issue at Stead, falsely charged by Mike Houghton and RARA.

There were the sounds of angry men screaming and slamming into the doors of their cell, explaining why maximum security was necessary for them. There were the stern guards trying to teach you the ropes during your first overnight stay in a Maximum Security cell based not so much on the seriousness of the charges against you, but rather, because you’re a newspaper editor taking controversial stances that now have you jailed for your dissent with “Limited Democracy.”

HA! An Oxymoron to be sure...

There were the good guards joking with you during transfer, keeping you relaxed and out of danger to yourself and others.

There were the prisoners bringing by the food trays and you, at 318 pounds, doing the unbelievable. Refusing every one on a hunger strike that is your only way to fight back against the Injustice and Lies of two Reno P.D. psychotics.

You think of your daughter and the baby taken from your home on false, malicious charges.

“Malnourishment.” Non-sense.

The infant had already become heavy to carry and had exceeded ten pounds since its birth on September 3, 2009. The other charges that did not fly and subsequent to release, have suddenly disappeared, such as “Hazards in the home” and “Mental Illness preventing the Mother from being able to care for the child.” That charge has disappeared and arisen once again in the time since my release.

You remember being face down on the floor, handcuffed from behind, looking at your daughter as the Social Worker demands she turns over her child.

Like the ballerina that she truly is, you watch her hand over the child as though in a scene from some tragic version of “Swan Lake,” dancing like a butterfly on her toes, reaching upward and outward in a spiral with the baby, wrapped in a blanket, slowly ~ ever-so-slowly ~ gesturing the child through the air and handing her to the Social Worker, and hearing what ballerinas don’t often get to do ~ speak with a heartbreaking sadness:

“Please don’t take my baby!”

All these memories cross your mind and you question yourself: did you do the right thing?

The resistance was not physical at the start. That was self-defense forced upon you. What you did was demand, in accordance with the Fourth Amendment, that a search warrant or court order allowing access to the home and identifying that which is to be seized, be produced, while indicating “You will not be allowed in without one. You are not welcome in my home!”

You go to close the door and the Officer rushes into it and you raging his remarks: “YOU DON’T GET TO SHUT THE DOOR IN MY FACE!” All done repeatedly as though to have some “shock and awe effect,” which it did not. It merely makes the Officer’s conduct appear putrid, wanton, looney and unwarranted, to say the least.

A Civil Rights violation. A Home Invasion Attack by the Reno P.D. You’re in an immediate defensive posture defending your loved ones and yourself.

In jail, during the arraignment, you read the lies the two officers wrote. Both omitting the fact that they had rushed the door. Only claiming that you had attacked them with your cane.
And what disabled man crippled by pain attacks two grown, younger, stronger, Police Officers, with a cane? Even logic bails on the two, uniformed psychos, in their prevarications.

You lean on the only Justice you received in front of the daughter that does not realize how the Attack started, and whom has chastised you for not allowing them in while you’re already under attack and half-way down to the floor...

...the Social Worker, Jena Drew, struts in, enters your house illegally for a second time, crosses your body with Police permission as to both, while the Lead Psycho Cop stands on your diseased ankle as though you might trip the Nazi bitch, all these Gestapo tactics doing nothing to prevent the cruel, heartless revelation and self-incrimination:

“We were going to take your baby anyway.”

You know, with all your heart, sitting in that jail cell, your leg with wounds in two places from the scuffle; your wrists swollen and cut by the handcuffs put on too tight, your entire body aching from the attack and the knees you received repeatedly into your back and kidneys, just below the ribs, by the sadistic officer laughing, sneering, making his smart-assed remarks, with you defiant while responding and challenging defiantly from the floor, handcuffs or not... know you did the right thing. The Fourth Amendment will protect you. The Law will protect you in the end, even when the Color of Authority of Law rests its weight on your diseased ankle, or lies on top of you kneeing you in the back, or rushes the door without cause, without Search Warrant, without Court Order.

By no means was the beating I received anywhere near that which was infamously received by Rodney King, of Los Angeles. The principle was the same, in King’s favor, but not the beating. My injuries, which still have to be checked out by the V.A. at this time of writing, appear to be minor.

Insignificant, compared to Rodney King's...

However, "What they do to one of us, they do to all of us," says another King ~ Martin Luther King, Jr. And now, this White Caucasian Male, knows what it is and has been, to wear the skin of a Minority and a million others like the one ~ like Rodney King ~ who has received much worse. Far worse than what I experienced. And they do so nightly here in Reno and elsewhere across the so-called United States of America.

On December 8, 2009 ~ the 32nd Anniversary of my entering the United States Army in order to swear to “Uphold and Defend the Laws and Constitution of the United States” with my very life as necessary ~ I only received a small taste of Police Brutality and what it has been, and what has been suffered, by Minorities in regards to violations of their Civil Rights by the Police operating “Under Color of Authority of Law.”

Yes, I remember well, the concrete block, pastel, light pea green walls of my cell and the penciled writings there. I remember the smell of the sewage system drifting up and into the cell from the toilet and sink ~ that smell always hanging there.

Made me think of the Cops that beat me.

Made me remember the rage of the Psychos that burst through my door screaming and ranting enraged: ‘YOU DON’T GET TO SHUT THE DOOR IN MY FACE!”

The fuck I don’t!

Fourth Amendment, Ladies and Gentlemen.

And the Reno P.D. more today, than ever, are still not welcome in my home.

And since the Fourth Amendment didn't protect me, I must turn to the Second Amendment for the sake and Security of my Family, Home, Papers and Property, and buy a gun for the purusual of the next set of individuals who think they can come into my home and attack myself and seize my grandchildren there, of any age.

I wonder if the next persons in or I should say, attempting to get in, will be Reno P.D.

Whomever they are, God have mercy on their souls for I will not!

There will be payback. There will be payback for all of this.

The Internal Affairs complaint has been filed. The FBI complaint will be next. One newspaper has already responded. Other responses have also been received, none “con,” no pun intended.
The Gestapo Tactics of the Washoe County Social Services, CPS and Reno P.D. must end.

The Constitution and the Bill of Rights must prevail.

There is a child held by CPS tonight in Human Bondage for purposes of Human Trafficking for profit. A 3 month old child which was not malnourished and was rather, incredibly strong.

However, out of deference to the SS, the CPS and the Reno P.D., we know who made the charges because they called and bragged about it afterwards. They will be held responsible, too. Their lawsuit may not be as great, but it will break them nonetheless because they are not the great people they make themselves out to be.

Washoe County CPS even identified the prime instigator as having "mental illness of her own."

Oh, and by the way, CPS: Surrogate father or not, NO (!!!), I did not fuck my twenty-year-old daughter!

SS, CPS: I find your questions creepier than you find me...

In the meantime, $199.00 of my money has turned up missing, after having been taken out of my pocket by the Psycho Reno P.D. officer who led the way in during the unlawful break-in to my home. That was all the money we had to live on for the remainder of the month. A family member is replacing it for me as I speak. (So please do not send money, anyone, we have this covered...).

I have major issues with the conduct of Washoe County SS, CPS and the Reno P.D. Before I am jailed again, I will take those issues to Washington, D.C.

Discovery is delayed. I hope to have the Police Officers’ statements to post here by tomorrow night. Apparently, I was appointed a Public Defender and I must consult with another Attorney as to whether or not I should keep him and proceed. No offense to said Public Defender, but I will likely proceed In Pro Per (Self-representation).

Seems the City Attorney really hates that.

There is much more to this story, all of its convolutions yet to be examined and subsequently told...

...but it's 1:40 a.m. on Tuesday morning, just seven hours from Court in a Child Protective Custody matter, and I am ill and exhausted. This is:


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